The Matt Smith Review: Part 20 - Closing Time

What We First Thought: I love this just for the dig at Britain’s Got Talent. Fantastic! You know what? I’d never thought I’ll be using the words ‘ I quite fancy another helping of James Corden’ whilst doing these reviews. I’m fiercely opposed to watching him in anything else, but the domestic life which has been fit around his character, Craig Owens, is like a nice pair of slippers – comfy to slip into from time-to-time. I like how Gareth Roberts mirrors The Lodger , what with Craig repeating himself out loud when he opens the door to The Doctor and Sophie forgetting her keys, again! Even The Doctor gets in on the act, resurrecting the ‘baby talk’ gag that was first seen in A Good Man Goes To War . And I do think it’s a gag on The Doctor’s part, some online fans do seem to get their knickers in a twist over the slightest thing these days! They’re the exact type of people that would be ssshed by The Doctor’s sssshing! Sometimes it’s nice to have ...