About The Fanzine/Contribute

Who are We? 

Fish Fingers and Custard is a Doctor Who Fanzine (a magazine made by fans) that has been in existence since June 2010 and is available both in print and as a PDF download. The fanzine likes to take a somewhat light-hearted view on Doctor Who and it's fandom, but we have been known to strike up some serious political debates, such as the origin of Peter Davison's magic shoes in Castrovalva and why anyone who says 'I hid behind the sofa when Doctor Who came on' is an absolute liar, charlatan and possibly, a cad.

Being a fanzine gives us the opportunity to offer Doctor Who fans a chance to air their views in something more substantial than a tweet or a forum post.  In a world where these things are bloody everywhere, fanzines are able to offer a better insight, in a somewhat calmer manner

Can I Write For You

Of course. Being a magazine made by fans, we have a completely open submissions policy and will accept basically anything, as long as it's A) About Doctor Who and B) It's written constructively and in clear English.  We like to offer as many different view points as possible, from as many different kinds of people as possible.  If you need any hints or tips on what to write, please feel free to browse through our back issues.

What Can I Submit?

Almost anything.  We're very much written-word heavy, so if you'd like to write an essay about any aspect of Doctor Who you wish, please feel free.  We also like to have reviews, poems, spoofs and of course, any art or comics.  Please note that we don't accept fan-fictions, although there may be a point in which we will do a fan-fiction special from time to time.

Where Do I Send My Stuff?

You can send your work, to be published in the fanzine, to fishcustardfanzine@googlemail.com

Can I Send Stuff In To Be Reviewed By The Fanzine?

Of course. If you've written a book, or have a website, podcast/audio drama/fan film, or on the staff of a convention, we'd love to hear from you. As long as its vaguely-related to Doctor Who, we'll give you an honest review and a plug in the fanzine.  Please get in touch with us via the e-mail address above and we'll get back to you asap.

Cheers and I hope to hear from you!

Danny (Editor)


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