Issue 11 - OUT NOW!!!

We're back, with a very limited release (the printers have packed up) however this isn't the last Issue, but just in case, be sure to snap up your copy! (how's that for advertising?) Either way, you won't be able to avoid disappointment

In this Issue we have the following
  • Tributes to Caroline John and Mary Tamm
  • The Boy Who Kicked Pigs: LIVE! - a review of Tom Baker's book, performed on stage
  • Meet The Fanziners - we chat to a couple of fanzine editors about the state of fanzines and fandom in general
  • The Krotons - Is it as bad as it looks?
  • Is the TV Movie better than the RTD era?
Plus, much, much more

If you would like to purchase a copy, please send the payment that applies to you via PayPal (as a 'gift') to

UK: £2
Europe: £3
Rest of the World: £4



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