We Are Da Doctor Who Management (Taken From Issue 8)

Now we all think we can write a series of Doctor Who. But what would happen if the bigwigs down in Cardiff actually listened to us fans? We’ve enlisted the help of those people who used to do surveys for Family Fortunes and they’ve been everywhere on the worldwide web (as well as in some ‘dirty and seedy establishments’ – McDonalds) and asked fans what they would like to see in their dream series’. Here are the findings: Episode 1 – The Return of John Smith Written By Steven Moffat Another tedious episode in which The Doctor has got to use the name ‘John Smith’ at least 617 times in a 45-minute episode, just to give a ‘nod’ to the Classic Series. Which is strange, as The Doctor didn’t actually use the name John Smith all that much in the Classic Series anyway. Episode 2 – The Rani Returns Written By Russell T. Davies The Rani (still played by Kate O’Mara) crash lands on Earth in the 21 st Century, after she was shot down by S...