Issue 5 - Download Now!

Issue 5 of Fish Fingers and Custard is now available for download.

Now 5 Issues (and 11 months) in, Fish Fingers and Custard continues like a tube train.  But it's slow and is actually entertaining, with people willing to tell you their stories instead of staring at you, like they want to kick your head in. 

In this latest Issue we have the following stuff:

  • Our Sarah Jane - Tributes from fans of Elisabeth Sladen
  • The Brig: A Great Chap
  • Why I Watch Who
  • Poetry
  • A Look At The Scarifyers, plus an interview with creator Simon Barnard
  • Actor, gigolo and columnist Harry Sedgewick offers some more of his wisdom
  • Review of the opening 2 episodes of Series 6!

You can download the PDF here

If you would like to order one of our fine paper copies (please do!) you can do so here.  If you're a 'Fontist' and are SO offended that I use Comic Sans on a little bit of this publication/or want more information about the fanzine, please e-mail me at

If you would like to help out the fanzine, please re-tweet and share our posts as much as possible. We would like to share the fanzine with as many Doctor Who fans as we can, to encourage them to check out the resurgence in Doctor Who fanzines and fan writing in general.



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