Issue 7 - Out Now!!!

Despite our legal battles with Steven Moffat (we're trying to get more mentions of Fish Fingers and Custard in Doctor Who) we have been busy with a new issue of the fanzine. 

We can't believed we've reached 7, and neither can you probably.

Issue 7 contains the following:

  • Whooverville Review and interview with convention organiser Steve Hatcher
  • What Does Doctor Who Mean To Kids?
  • Torchwood: Miracle Day
  • I Love Who: Harry Sedgewick previews a chapter of his new Doctor Who book, exclusively for the fanzine
  • 31 Things Less Painful Than Watching Journey's End

And Much More!

(It isn't as tedious as it sounds)

You can purchase a copy of this fine publication by slipping us one of the following payments via PayPal.

UK: £2

Rest of The World: £3

As always, please make the payment as a gift, enclose your name and address and send to

If you don't have PayPal, you can still purchase a copy by credit/debit card, by using the box below. The process is undertaken by PayPal, but you do not need to sign up to anything. Just select which option applies to you and once you are on the ordering page, scroll downwards and select the 'payment by card' option. Please note the extra cost is to cover our PayPal fees!

We also have copies of Issue 6 on sale, as well as Issue 2's at a reduced price!



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