Contribute To Issue 8 and Other Stories

With the debt collectors shoo-ed away, we can start work on the final Issue of the year!  For Issue 8 we're mainly looking for reviews of the 2nd half of Series 6.  Please make your reviews no more than 700 words and send to The same e-mail address also applies to ANYTHING else that you are able to knock up, too!  (apart from your Girlfriends.  I know I'm handsome, but you should take responsibility for the situations that arise from using the contents of your pants)

With the series, bar the Christmas episode, on ice for 9 months, we'll be regularly updating this blog with more (some will say, ignorant) opinion pieces and 'classic' stuff from the fanzine.  Hey, if Justin Bieber (who styled himself on Adric) can release an autobiography at the veteran age of 17, then surely we can dredge up a few past articles? So look out for that!

The fanzine's Twitter and Facebook feeds will also be regularly used during the off-season and I may even go out and take some videos to add to our YouTube site too!  God knows what I'm going to film, I don't suppose drunk people being sick, doesn't go down well these days?

Anyway enough waffling on, please contribute, keep an eye out here and don't forget that there's plenty of Classic (that's 'Proper Classic') Doctor Who out there for you to enjoy.

Cheers and thanks for your support!


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