Contribute To The First Issue of 2014!

We're tentatively stepping out, like a drunken woman outside a nightclub with no shoes on at 5am, to announce that we're back from our self-imposed sabbatical and are ready for another new Issue. But like the aforementioned lady, let's call her Fanny, we need a taxi to get her home - and less wet than she already is. It's raining. We want YOU to be that taxi driver and to contribute to help to get Fanny home.

In other words, we're after contributions for the new Issue.

For this Issue we're looking for the following written works:
  • The Anniversary - what you did/how you watched the 50th Anniversary story
  • The Time of The Doctor - Your review of Matt Smith's swansong as The Doctor
  • The Matt Smith era - what you enjoyed/what you disliked/how the show will move forward
  • Peter Capaldi - your take on the casting and his appearance in The Time of The Doctor
  • OR...anything else you can think of. As long as it's Doctor Who-related

If you'd like to get your Fanny dry, please e-mail with your stuff! The deadline is the 28th February.



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