Issue 15 Update

We're well into production of the brand new Issue here at the Fish Custard office (we've had a delivery of tea and biscuits) but we're still looking for more contributions from Doctor Who fans to give their views on the anniversary and/or the Matt Smith era as an whole. We have no word count, or any guidelines for you to abide by (as long as you keep it sensible!) If that doesn't float you boat (which it technically won't) we're also looking for your view on the casting of Peter Capaldi and what future Doctor Who has got to look forward to. We'd also welcome any art or spoofs you can come up with, too! And if you can lend us £5000, that'll also be acceptable. Joking*

Please e-mail and one of our team of bores will get back to you. The deadline is the 28th February


*Not really


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