Issue 10 - OUT NOW!!!

What connects a blue man, a toilet and Steven Moffat's face?

Why, it's Issue 10 of Fish Fingers and Custard!

Now celebrating two years on the fanzine scene, we continue to bring you all the goings-on in the Doctor Who underground.  Though, we're more Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, than Rat.

In the latest Issue we have:
  • Our view on the casting of Jenna-Louise Coleman
  • Interview with Simon Fisher-Becker aka Dorium Maldovar
  • Six Appeal - what one Doctor means to a young boy
  • Season 18 - A Breath of Life, or A Strangulation?
  • Which Fan Group Are You?
  • Monster In The Bathroom - Our brand new comic!
And much more besides!

You can order this issue, which is made up out of: 44 pages, full-colour covers and many frustrations, by sending one of below payments to us via PayPal:

UK: £2
Rest of The World: £4

Please send to and mark the payment as a 'gift' so that PayPal don't rob us! Oh and please include your name and address too, that's very important!  If you would like to pay by cheque/postal order, please get in touch via the same address and we'll sort something out.  Alternatively, you can also pay by credit/debit card by using the handy box below.  The process is undertaken by PayPal but you don't need to sign up to anything.


If you would like to order any back issues, again please get in touch with us!



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