Fish Fingers and Custard - Issue 15 - OUT NOW!

If we were a little bit sexist, then we'll say that waiting for a new Issue of Fish Fingers and Custard is
like waiting for the right woman, who will turn up fashionably late. So, just imagine that woman turns up 3 months late? You're not bothered, because she's great, she's different. Beautiful, funny, masterful, if you will. What a woman.  Well, we're nothing like that, apart from being 3 months late, we contain the same-old love and spelling mistakes that you've come to expect.

Anyway, here are the details of how to buy the new issue, which has got nothing to do with Series 8, despite the rubbish I've just written above:


For a finely-printed, but adequately put-together paper copy of the fanzine, the prices are as follows:

UK - £2

Rest of the World - £4.50

To order a copy, please send the payment that applies to you, via PayPal to (please mark your payment as a 'gift' so we get the full fee from PayPal so we can buy more knocked-off paper from the local stationers).  Alternatively, you can buy one from our shop, prices inflated by 25p or so because of PayPal fees. The swines.

We have also re-printed the first 4 Issues of the fanzine to celebrate 4 years of us taking the Fanzine World like a mild breeze. Each re-printed Issue will come with a unique code number, slipped in somewhere, so nobody tries to rip people off when we've made it and old mags are selling for £20k a pop.Yeah.

Sadly, we can only offer this deal to people who reside in the UK at the moment.

First 4 Issues: £7

Please use any of the above payment methods to order.

FINALLY! We're open for submissions for Issue 16, which we hope to release in early 2015. We'll be looking at Series 8, as well as the upcoming Christmas Special. If you'd like to send in any reviews, thoughts or rants about Series 8 or any 2014 episode, please e-mail us at

If you despise new Doctor Who - you can send us anything that vaguely relates to the classic series too!


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