Fish Fingers and Custard - Issue 15 - DOWNLOAD NOW!

If we were a little bit sexist, then we'll say that waiting for a new Issue of Fish Fingers and Custard is like waiting for the right woman, who will turn up fashionably late. So, just imagine that woman turns up 3 months late? You're not bothered, because she's great, she's different. Beautiful, funny, masterful, if you will. What a woman.  Well, we're nothing like that, apart from being 3 months late, we contain the same-old love and spelling mistakes that you've come to expect.

Anyway, here are the details of how to download the new issue, which has got nothing to do with Series 8, despite the rubbish I've just written above.

You can download it in PDF form here (right-click and select 'save as')

If you'd like to order a paper copy, details will be posted in the next week. If you'd like to register your interest, please send a blank e-mail to or tweet us at @fishcustardzine so we can gauge how many we need to print. We promise not to share your e-mail address with unscrupulous companies. Unless you'd like us to.

If you'd like to have your say about the new series, please e-mail us at the e-mail address above. We hope to have the next Issue in early 2015. Definitely.

Cheers and enjoy the last episode of Series 8!

Yeah, we've Missy you too.


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