Issue 19 – Submissions Wanted!

We’re back for more! After spending 4 years doing nothing but eating biscuits (cookies, for our North American friends), we’re back for our 2nd issue in 3 months!

September will see us release Issue 19 – and we need contributors!

Whilst we will always accept ANYTHING that is vaguely related to Doctor Who (you just have to read the other 18 to see that) for this particular issue we’re especially looking for:
  • Reviews of Series 10 (Peter Capaldi’s last one) – We’re looking for your thoughts on the series; this can be you going through the episodes, your thoughts on the series as a whole, your favourite moments, your worst moments…whatever you like. There is no maximum word count for this –  generally, we get between 500-1000 words for reviews like these, but we’re willing to have more (or less). Just don’t go mad with your big words, this isn’t Buzzfeed.

  • Your thoughts on the casting of Jodie Whittaker (and the current state of the show) – (Here we go) We're looking for diverse takes on the casting of Jodie Whittaker, the current standing of Doctor Who and fandom in general. NO MATTER your opinion, we want to hear it. We exist to provide a platform on which thoughtful views can be exchanged with respect – all we ask is that you be considerate. Again, there is no real word count – just don’t go mad with your big words, this isn’t Cosmopolitan.

  • Art! We’re always on the outlook for Doctor Who art – we use it for the back covers, inside pages and to help us fill up pages when our writers don’t use big words, as we always instruct them to.
If any of that doesn’t take your creative fancy, send in whatever you like – comics, reviews, your take on something…if it’s about Doctor Who, we’ll have it!

The closing date for all submissions is Saturday 22nd August – please send to

Thanks for reading and (we hope) considering contributing – have a great what’s left of the summer (or winter, for our friends Down Under) and if you haven’t already, download our back issues to get you through/put you off Doctor Who content in these barren times!


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