Issue 17 Contribution Details

Hello all, we'll be back next month with a brand-new Issue, kicking-off this somewhat barren year without much Doctor Who with our own brand of sunshine!

For Issue 17, we're generally on the lookout for reviews of the latest series - we're going to be reviewing the individual stories (seeing as there are so many two-parters) and we've got the following left to offer you:

Magicians Apprentice/The Witch’s Familiar

Under The Lake/Before The Flood

The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion

The Husbands of River Song

If you'd like to review a particular story, please e-mail us at asap so we can save you the slot. The stories are given on a first-come-first basis, so if your chosen story is taken by the time you e-mail, we'll offer you another if there are any left! Please keep your reviews from 500-1500 words – if you need more (or less!) please get in touch and we'll sort something out. Don't be afraid of being too critical or praiseworthy - We're just looking for passionate, constructive reviews.

Otherwise, if you'd just like to review the series as an whole, or want to give your thoughts on recent developments with Steven Moffat/Chris Chibnall and the switching of the series, please feel free to do that also! Or if you'd like to write about what you think was in the Fourth Doctor's inside pockets or why Attack of The Cybermen is the best story ever - basically, anything vaguely Doctor Who is our motto and we'll lap it up!

The deadline for all contributions is 20th February.



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