Happy 50th Birthday Doctor Who!

"Susan and I are cut off from our own planet, without friends or protection. But one day we shall get back. Yes, one day. One day."

What can you say about a television programme that has kept generations of people happy for 50 years? It has - and will continue to - inspire and entertain many more in the next 50 years and for that reason alone, Doctor Who has proven to be the best television programme of all time. Let's raise a glass to everyone who has worked on the programme. Thank-you Doctor Who. The world would be an infinitely duller place without you.

Have a great day, however you're celebrating! 

We're looking for contributions for our next Issue, so if you fancy telling us about what you did today, how and where you watched the episode, what you did to celebrate the Anniversary, please e-mail us at fishcustardfanzine@googlemail.com

(After today, obviously!)


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