Issue 14 - Out Now!
In this Issue:
- Reviews of the latest Doctor Who episodes
- Thanks Matt Smith - we say goodbye to Doctor #11
- Cyberman No3 - with a Five Doctors twist
- Review of the Doctor Who Proms (or 'Prom' if you're being pedantic)
- Peter Capaldi - our take on the casting
Plus Much More
Prices (includes P+P)
UK: £2
Rest of the World: £4
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Alternatively you can purchase a copy with a credit/debit card from our shop. The payment is undertaken by PayPal, but you do not need to sign up for anything.
Submissions for Issue 15 are now open, the deadline is the 1st December (although anything we get before then, would be very welcome!) Remember - we can only improve our output by the continued contribution of Doctor Who fans!
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