Issue 11 - DOWNLOAD NOW!!!

To celebrate the airing of the first episode of the new series of Doctor Who, we're delighted to be able to present the latest Issue of Fish Fingers and Custard for you to download for FREE!

This has got nothing to do whatsoever with us being late in producing this.

In this Issue we have the following:
  • Tributes to Caroline John and Mary Tamm
  • The Boy Who Kicked Pigs: LIVE! - a review of Tom Baker's book, performed on stage
  • Meet The Fanziners - we chat to a couple of fanzine editors about the state of fanzines and fandom in general
  • The Krotons - Is it as bad as it looks?
  • Is the TV Movie better than the RTD era?
Plus, much, much more

You can download the PDF from here ('right-click and save', or 'left-click and save', if you're a witch. Or whatever you do if you're on a phone/iPad etc. You Show-off.

Cheers and be sure to check out our back issues by clicking 'Issues' on the left of this page - they should keep you suitably amused until Dinosaurs On A Spaceship, anyway!

If you'd like to contribute to future Issues of the fanzine, please e-mail us at


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