A Postcard From Hamsterdam (FFAC9)
Greeting’s Hoovers! (Is that the right term?)
Anyhow, I’m currently on business In Hamsterdam and I’m not really sure when I’ll get back. I’m currently a guest of the Chief at the local Regiokorpsen, here in this wonderful city.
I arrived here to do a bit of acting work/pick up something for my boss, then it all got a little bit naughty with the customs and I’m currently sharing a cell with someone called ‘Rose’. No, it’s not Catherine Tate’s character – it’s actually a big hairy fella, who can’t speak a word of English. I think he’s from Scotland. No, wait, he can’t be - he’s too gentle, especially at night.
What else have I been up to? Well, I only have to say the name ‘Hamsterdam’ and you’ll probably think I’ve been picking flowers and riding bikes. Well, I have been doing something like that, but with the local women instead. Shame I lost my wallet!
Anyway, I’ve got to go - Big Rose wants another game of Buckaroo. Just don’t ask what we’re using to play.
See you soon...hopefully!
Harry x
Harry's adventures, continue on Twitter at www.twitter.com/harrysedgers
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