
Showing posts from October, 2011

Issue 7 - Download Now!!!

Despite our legal battles with Steven Moffat (we're trying to get more mentions of Fish Fingers and Custard in Doctor Who) we have been busy with a new issue of the fanzine.  We can't believed we've reached 7, and neither can you probably. Issue 7 contains the following: Whooverville Review and interview with convention organiser Steve Hatcher What Does Doctor Who Mean To Kids? Torchwood: Miracle Day I Love Who: Harry Sedgewick previews a chapter of his new Doctor Who book, exclusively for the fanzine 31 Things Less Painful Than Watching Journey's End And Much More! (It isn't as tedious as it sounds) You can download the Issue here Alternatively, you can be a diamond by ordering a fine paper copy (with shiny colour covers!) of this Issue here Cheers! E-Mail Us Twitter Facebook

The Scarifyers: The Magic Circle - Reviewed

It was with mixed emotions when I heard that The Scarifyers would return, following the death of Nicholas Courtney. Delighted that the series would continue of course, but equally sad that Nick wouldn’t be a part of it. How on earth could they make the story work? I wondered. Well I needn’t have worried, as The Magic Circle has, quite easily, become my favourite Scarifyers adventure! David Warner (who is no stranger to working on audio with various Doctor Who spin-offs) stars as new character, Ex-Police Sergeant Harry Crow, who is enlisted by Dunning (Terry Molloy) to help him search out Lionheart (Courtney), who seems to have gone missing whilst looking at an old police case. But as the pair are trying to get to the bottom of it all, someone (or something!) is attacking certain magicians… The story, as always, mixes comedy and drama superbly, but with this being more of a poignant story, I thought it was taken to another level. The performances are all top notch, but Terry Molloy is...

Doctor Who: Are You Watching?

To many people (lazy journalists - I'm looking at you) viewing figures seem to matter above everything else.  In Issue 8, we'll be going through the Series 6 viewing figures in full.  In the meantime, here's our summary of the viewing figures of Doctor Who from 2005 to the mid-series break in 2011.  This article originally appeared in Issue 6 of Fish Fingers and Custard. (If you don't care about any of this, we'll be having the usual fives and toilet humour in the next Issue.  We have something for everyone. Like an episode of Doc Martin) “DOCTOR WHO SLUMP IN THE RATINGS” scream the tabloid media. Well that’s not exactly true is it? By the sounds of it, the media would have people believe that Doctor Who has seen a Heroes-style slump and had its figures slashed by 60%. Not true, in fact Doctor Who has never been so popular. It’s currently smashing all kinds of records for BBC America, Space (Canada) and the BBC IPlayer. So to dispel this myth we actu...

Contribute To Issue 8 and Other Stories

With the debt collectors shoo-ed away, we can start work on the final Issue of the year!  For Issue 8 we're mainly looking for reviews of the 2nd half of Series 6.  Please make your reviews no more than 700 words and send to The same e-mail address also applies to ANYTHING else that you are able to knock up, too!  (apart from your Girlfriends.  I know I'm handsome, but you should take responsibility for the situations that arise from using the contents of your pants) With the series, bar the Christmas episode, on ice for 9 months, we'll be regularly updating this blog with more (some will say, ignorant) opinion pieces and 'classic' stuff from the fanzine.  Hey, if Justin Bieber (who styled himself on Adric) can release an autobiography at the veteran age of 17, then surely we can dredge up a few past articles? So look out for that! The fanzine's Twitter and Facebook feeds will also be regularl...