Issue 1 Production Notes

Before doing this fanzine, I always thought that the most difficult part would be getting the material together to make an issue. In fact the most problematic aspect was trying to get the printing of the paper verison done for a reasonable price! The most charming thing about old-fashioned fanzines, I find, is that they are done on a shoestring budget, often using household items to make their issues!

It might be a lot easier today to design a fanzine, but the printing of them still presents people with a big problem. I decided early on during the inception of this fanzine, that I would do it the old-fashioned way. Okay, I don't have a printing-press, but what I do have is a home PC and a 4 year-old printer! That is all I needed.

Suddenly, I found myself using 'advanced' maths, calculating how much ink and paper I would need! I wanted the cover price of the fanzine to be pretty cheap, so I set the price at £1.50, which should see me more-or-less break even. I'm under no illusions that I'll probably lose money doing this, but what's a tenner when your having fun writing, design, printing and posting your own fanzine?

I'm really proud with how Issue 1 has turned out and I would urge you to get yourself a paper copy (details here) because with the full-colour glossy covers (which is actually photo paper, that I bought cheap!), it looks really good! I do need a lot of practice with a stapler and folding, so apologises if your issue is folded a centimetre too much!

The most pleasing thing about getting this issue out, is that I already know how and where to improve. I can promise you that issue 2 will be A LOT better, in terms of content and being folded in the right place! I'm really looking forward to it, so please show your support, grab yourself a copy, so I can get on with making issue 2! Oh and reimburse myself, so I can go for a few pints in the pub!

If you have any feedback/contributions/information, please don't hesitate to e-mail the fanzine at and one of my overly-keen, hunchbacked staff will e-mail you back. Not really, it'll be me!




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