Issue 13 Download & Contribute to Issue 14

We're back and gearing up for a summer of being shut up in our bedrooms, typing out the same-old nonsense as we usually do. Like the typical Doctor Who fans we are. While you wait for the anniversary episode, you can bide a bit of time reading our latest Issue, which can download here (right-click and 'save as')

We're also very busy with producing the next Issue of the fanzine and as usual - we need your help! We're looking for any contributions from anyone who is willing to put hand to keyboard. We'll accept basically ANYTHING as long as it's about Doctor Who and written in clear English. You can find further info on how to contribute here.  If you're not sure what to write, why not review the latest run of episodes? (There HAS been some on!) If you're interested, please make your review no more than 1000 words (and no less than 1) and send to 

The deadline for all contributions is 14th June

Cheers and have a great summer. Or Winter if you're in the Southern Hemisphere. Wherever that is.


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