An Appeal

The make-up (no, not that kind of make up) of an Issue is mostly down to you dear reader.  So if you want to see your stuff in the fanzine during this upcoming series (or think you can improve on our output) - SEND IT IN!  I can't really stress enough that we take ANY kind of literal piece about Doctor Who.  So this is your chance to appear in a fanzine that top Doctor Who actor, Harry Sedgewick, says is 'not as shit as Mayfair', whatever that means.  Some of the things we're after are essays, opinion pieces, poems and art - so if you feel you fit the bill, don't just post them on a forum - send them in!

Just drop me a e-mail at ANYTIME!



  1. This is very much true folks. I've had the honor of submitting a couple of articles for the past couple of issues and have been pleased at how great the entire fanzine is (Plus on a selfish note, I LOVE how prominently featured my articles have been....hehe.) So as a contributor, I encourage everyone who has a desire to do so to submit your work. And get the word out to your friends to support this great fanzine.


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