Issue 14 Download & Contribution Details For Issue 15

Here it is. The only Doctor Who-related media that you've been trying to avoid, but like a bout of flu, or a Doctor Who rumour you've heard countless times before, we're still hanging around.

In this Issue:
  • Reviews of the latest Doctor Who episodes
  • Thanks Matt Smith - we say goodbye to Doctor #11
  • Cyberman No3 - with a Five Doctors twist
  • Review of the Doctor Who Proms (or 'Prom' if you're being pedantic)
  • Peter Capaldi - our take on the casting
Plus Much More

You can download the Issue here (right-click and save, or whatever you do!)

Like everyone else, we're gearing up for the anniversary episode, so if you'd like to contribute to our '50th Anniversary Special' Issue, please feel free to e-mail us at

For this, we aren't just interested in a review of the story (but please give us one, regardless!), we also want you to tell us (and the readers!) about your day/how/where you watched it. We'd also be interested in hearing about any other Doctor Who-related events you are attending.  Failing that, you can write about your thoughts on Peter Capaldi, the recent missing episodes discovery, the future of the show, An Adventure In Space and Time or pretty much anything you like from the last 50 years! Please note that the deadline is the 7th December

Issue 15 will be a 'special' Issue at a special time for Doctor Who and we'd love contributors old or new to help us out in producing the best possible fan magazine we can!



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