Celebrate 10 Years of Fish Custard With 1p Fanzines And A Competition

To celebrate 10 years since the launch of Fish Fingers and Custard, we are going to offer our readers the opportunity to get their hands on some of our swag for 1 pence plus postage costs (so 1p + P+P – we wanted to give them away for free, but our shop provider doesn't allow sellers to enter in a 'zero price'!).

Okay, the Fish Custard storeroom needs clearing out – and it’s either us giving them away or burning them.

The following items are available from our shop now:
  • Issue 2 (two copies left).
  • A 16-page promotional issue that was originally handed out at London Film and Comic Con in 2011 (thirteen copies left).
  • Pin badge sets (three sets left).
Once they’re gone, they’re gone – and please only order one item, so there’s more to go around. Thanks.

Win A Historical Fanzine!

Also, we are launching a competition to win the original proof copy of Issue 1 – aside from being the first copy ever printed, it’s nothing special. We’ve no idea why anyone would want it tbh – the covers have been printed on the same paper as what the interior pages are (they were usually printed on matte/gloss paper for cleaner, crisp imagery), some ink has bled through the pages and there are a number of errors accompanied by some unreadable handwriting, correcting them. Nevertheless, you can get this important historical document for FREE, so it must be good.

Well, I say free – we have to get something out of it. All you need to do to enter is to sign up for our new mailing list. You can opt out any time, but we hope you stick around for future communications from us.

Once you’re signed up, you’ll be entered in the draw. The closing date is Saturday 23rd May at 23:59 BST (we have to be specific about these things).

Cheers and good luck! If you haven't already, check out our latest free download issue - Issue 18.


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