Issue 18 Contribution Details - Doctor Who fan writers wanted!

Celebrating 6-and-a-half years as perhaps the Whoniverse’s most silliest fanzine, Fish Fingers and Custard is back for 2017 and we’re seeking Doctor Who fan writers to help us create our latest issue! With Doctor Who back in the Spring (finally!) and a Christmas episode and a spin-off series to digest, not to mention this being Steven Moffat’s last series as head writer , we’re very much looking forward to getting stuck into presenting our own thoughts/hopes/fears for the episodes to come. Are you? Contribute to Issue 18! What’ve you been doing in the downtime since Doctor Who has been off the air? Watching old episodes? Maybe you’ve discovered the classic series or the many spin-off books and audios? Been to any conventions/events? Maybe you’ve been watching something else entirely – let us know what you’ve been up too! For Issue 18, we’re seeking reviews/views on the following; The Return of Doctor Mysterio – Super? Or not? Class – the BBC Three spin-off seri...