Subscribe To Fish Fingers and Custard!

I’m delighted to announce that you can now subscribe to the paper copies of the fanzine.

  • You will receive the fanzine as soon as it leaves the printer! (Obviously, we’ll put it in an envelope first!) a week or two BEFORE the PDF copy is released!

  • You will have your name printed in the fanzine!

  • You will have the knowledge that you are supporting the fanzine and keeping the tradition of paper-based fanzines alive!

  • Plus some other surprise bonuses…look out for them!

The Price
UK: £8. Rest of the World: £13. The price includes postage and packing. Each subscription starts from the NEXT issue to be released (for example, if you subscribe now, you will receive Issue 2 when released, not Issue 1. If you subscribe when Issue 2 has been released, you will receive Issue 3 etc).

You can subscribe to 4 issues (about a year's worth) by PayPal, please send all monies to and please send the money as a ‘gift’. (and don't forget to include your name and address!)



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