Not Long Now...

Not long to go now until the release of Issue 1 of Fish Fingers and Custard. I’m very happy with the way the issue has taken shape. We’ve got some really funny (that’s what I think in my head anyway) and informative articles and stories, as well as two comic strips, which I had to literally beg for!

I realise it’s going to take time for the fanzine to hit its stride (and hope you do too!), but one thing I’m hoping Issue 1 will do, is to encourage people to write for the fanzine, as well as getting involved with fandom more. There’s plenty of talented Doctor Who fans out there, whose work doesn’t get the audience it deserves and that’s one aspect I like of fanzines – we are able to showcase people’s work, give it a platform as well as it giving the issue a bit more quality!

Now if you’re expecting a fanzine that contains Doctor Who Magazine-style features, then you’ll be disappointed. I want the fanzine to bring something different to the fanzine community, something light-hearted, something not serious, something that isn’t afraid of lampooning the fans or asking questions of the current state of the show. At the same time however, I want it to be informative, as well as offering balanced and honest views on a wide variety on Doctor Who subjects.

Issue 1 contains contributions from Doctor Who fans from all over the world. I’m sure it’ll sink in properly one day, but it’s quite staggering to see I’ve typed that. I can’t thank people enough for taking interest and/or contributing to the fanzine. I just hope that people enjoy reading and ‘get’ what I’m trying to do!

As well as the free PDF, a paper-version will also be released. At the moment I’m still fretting over the budget but I’m confident everything will be done on time! Stay tuned for details, but the price has been set at £1.50 (+ P+P) for a fanzine that has full-colour glossy covers. A bargain, if you prefer reading something on the toilet! (*waits for a smart arse to comment about how you can put PDF’s on an IPhone!*)

Fish Fingers and Custard will be released during the coming week. Stay tuned to here or follow us on Twitter or join our Facebook Group for future updates.

For more information/how to contribute/offers of dates/offers of cash - please e-mail us at



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