Showing posts from May, 2010
Update and Promo!
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Things are coming together nicely at the moment, I've had a lot of people who have been interested in contributing and I'm so grateful! You can still send in your work (still need a comic!!!) for the first issue, the deadline is the 2nd June . In the meantime, here is a promo that I knocked up in about 5 seconds! Feel free to share it/draw abusive words on it using Ms Paint, its up to you! ;) (click here to view full size) Cheers! E-mail in your stuff! Join the Facebook Group Follow us on Twitter!
Now on Facebook!
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In the build-up to the first issue, the fanzine now has its very own Facebook group! Apart from it being a non-stop advertising machine, I want the group to create a little bit of a community! So feel free to pop in for chats and spam the wall with stuff of your choice! You can join the group here Don't forget you can still contribute to the fanzine, email me at Cheers! Dan
Dates, Covers and Tweets!
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Okay, I can confirm that issue 1 will be out 'sometime in June'! So far the issue is coming along very nicely but I still need more stuff! So if you have/can knock up anything Doctor Who-realted, please drop me a line at Speaking of that first issue - here is a sneak peak of the front cover! Finally - you can stalk the fanzine on twitter at if you're into that sort of thing! ;) Cheers! Dan
Coming Soon/Contributors Wanted!
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Hi guys! I'm currently putting together a new A5 paper fanzine which I hope to have out in the next few weeks! At the moment I’m just looking for any Doctor Who-related material! The Fanzine has the working title 'Fish Fingers and Custard' (wonder why?) and will be mostly a fun look at Doctor Who fandom. Obviously most of the stuff will be poking light-hearted fun at all things WHO but I would love to have three or four serious articles per issue! I'll be also putting together a PDF verision too! So be it a short story, poems, essays, reviews, convention reports, interviews, drawings, cartoons or comics - I’ll have it! Obviously written work must be presented in clear English etc However if you're an artist/cartoonist - I’m only interested in b/w art at the moment! If you’ve got an article/essay can you please make it no more than two sides of A4 (or 4 sides of A5) If you're interested in contributing/want more info, drop me a line at fishcustardfanzine@googlema...